
I not sure how to begin this history....

Well, before I had use qt embedded 4.6.2 with out any problem and I compiled it with VNC built-in.
Then If a user use a vnc client to connect with Qt app, I see something like " RFB 003.003". Ok, VNC built-in use Remote frameBuffer 3.3

If another user tried to use a vnc client to connect with Qt app, first client lost connection and second user obtain a new connnection. Then, I understand that it isn't a multiclient server.

Now, I bump to Qt 4.8.4, where I will expect to have a new version of RFB that support last RFB and multiclient server, but not.
After compile Qt 4.8.4 and make a stupid app, when a vnc client connect to built-in vnc server I see the same version of RFB, 3.3.

Then, what is wrong? what depends on the version of RFB????

By other hand I have compiled a VNC plugin with LibVNCServer and qt-libvncserver-master and it works fine and when I use this plugin, then vnc clients connect using RFB 3.8 and support multiclient connection, but there is a little problem, when I launch my app: "./myQtApp -qws -display "Multi: libvnc:0 LinuxFb" I can not see anything in Framebuffer but if I use a vnc client works fine.

Well, somebody could tell me how to update VNC built-in to use RFB 3.8 or how to use libvnc plugin with Linux Framebuffer??

Best regards