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Thread: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Hey blockd, it's confirmed!
    viewport()->update() works like a charm!
    tks for the tip!

    Try to make persistent selection and multiline edition works and post results here!
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
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  2. #22
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    Talking Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Hey, guys!
    I have wroted one good text editor from two yours.
    I'll post it here later, ok?

  3. #23
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    Smile Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Here it is!
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  4. #24
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    Talking Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Looks very nice!!!!

    Hey, I'm creating a sourceforge project to the Qt IDE, but if more people here will participate I think it's a good idea to ask for a name

    In my opinion the IDE name should be something with a meaning like some greek word or anything like that. Particulary I do not like names like: QIDE, qwhateveryouwanttocall, kmyapplicationforkde and so on.

    Well, I'm thinkning on a good and powerful name, til I get some sujestions please, post your ideas here!!!!
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
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    "A mind that opens to a new idea never gets its original size again."
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  5. #25
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    I'll think about it, ok?!

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Hey blockd, just to simplify your snippet your could ripp off the highlightCurrentLine method and on constructor you could do

    Qt Code:
    1. connect(this, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), viewport(), SLOT(update()) );
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    just to simplify the snippet
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
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  7. #27
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    Wink Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Quote Originally Posted by Townk
    Looks very nice!!!!

    Hey, I'm creating a sourceforge project to the Qt IDE, but if more people here will participate I think it's a good idea to ask for a name

    In my opinion the IDE name should be something with a meaning like some greek word or anything like that. Particulary I do not like names like: QIDE, qwhateveryouwanttocall, kmyapplicationforkde and so on.

    Well, I'm thinkning on a good and powerful name, til I get some sujestions please, post your ideas here!!!!
    All serious IDE's have names like these:
    Eclipse, CodeForge, Visual Studio, KDevelop, Anjuta, SlickEdit...

    I'm from non-english speaking country and it's difficult to me to find the name for the application, but look at these:

    Nimble IDE
    EdgeWise IDE

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Quote Originally Posted by Townk
    Hey blockd, just to simplify your snippet your could ripp off the highlightCurrentLine method and on constructor you could do

    Qt Code:
    1. connect(this, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()), viewport(), SLOT(update()) );
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    just to simplify the snippet
    True, but the main reason I wrote it that way was because you could possibly do more in the highlightCurrentLine() slot before calling an update, like determine the region to update.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Ok guys, let me talk about that IDE:

    First question I want to answer is: Why do another C++ IDE since we have KDevelop for Linux and even Eclipse CDT for multiplataform purpose?
    I think that this answer is not so simple, but lets go. I beleave that KDevelop is one of the best IDE for C++ ever made (by the way I'm using it), BUT, it has so many features that to a beginer or to create a simple and quick project its not easy to get there. With this I get to Eclipse that has a diferent aproach that is easyly things, so, why not use Eclipse instead? Becouse CDT plugin do not suport Qt programming as I want it! Than my last reason is that:
    Qt is so powerful that is a shame that no one start some kind of project like this I'm proposing.

    Second question: How do we has to procede?
    I think that a good aproach is create separated modules like editor, project manager, code complete and than join them to build the IDE and for each custom widget that is developed I think that we should think in create it to use it inside the Designer, so, each form UI that we develop we can use Designer to do that, besides it facilitate creation of UI we will use all the power of Qt to build a greate Qt IDE.

    With this modules in mind I want to propose the editor widget like this:

    Qt Code:
    1. class QCodeEdit : public QWidget {
    2. Q_OBJECT
    4. public:
    5. QCodeEdit(QWidget *parent = 0);
    6. ~QCodeEdit();
    8. public slots:
    9. void setHighlightCurrentLine(bool highlight);
    10. void setMultilineEdit(bool multiline);
    11. void setPersistentSelection(bool persistent);
    13. void setLinesPannelVisible(bool shown);
    14. void setIconBordPannelVidible(bool shown);
    15. void setIconMarksPannelVisible(bool shown);
    17. void append(const QString& text);
    18. void clear();
    19. void copy();
    20. void cut();
    21. void paste();
    22. void selectAll();
    23. void setCurrentFont(const QFont& f);
    24. void setFontFamily(const QString& fontFamily);
    25. void setFontPointSize(qreal s);
    26. void setText(const QString& text);
    28. signals:
    29. void copyAvailable(bool yes);
    30. void cursorPositionChanged();
    31. void redoAvailable(bool available);
    32. void selectionChanged();
    33. void textChanged();
    34. void undoAvailable(bool available);
    35. void codeFolded(int line);
    36. void codeCompleteRequest(int viewportX, int viewportY, const QString& wordToComplete);
    37. };
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    I can't think in other signals or slots, but if you have some other ideas...

    I think it's all I want to talk. Sorry by my bad english, is that I'm just thinking and writing

    Any comment?
    Oh, how about we create a topic for this IDE discution?
    Last edited by Townk; 4th February 2006 at 17:34. Reason: Forgot to put the class header
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
    Computer Scientist
    "A mind that opens to a new idea never gets its original size again."
    - Albert Einstein

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Reguarding the name:

    Don't put IDE on the name. The best application names have nothing to do with functionality:

    Power Point

    Choose a cool name which gives people time to think (what does Ubuntu mean...?)

    Now, if we all are attaching files to text editors, on the thread "a Text Editor with line numbers... " I added some minimalistic highligh engine. I used some ideas spoken here, so IMHO it's just fear to mention that.

    Reguarding the reasons, you forgor this one:
    When you are compiling Qt applications you would like to see Qt tools. Using Eclipse or VS is shooting oneself in the leg.

    I would like to see such project born and become usefull. I also beleave you re correct, and if such beast should be done, it should be done in a modular way. This way, the code can be modified easily and one can use code snipets from other projects.
    Last edited by elcuco; 4th February 2006 at 17:54.

  11. #31
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Quote Originally Posted by elcuco
    Don't put IDE on the name. The best application names have nothing to do with functionality:

    Power Point

    Choose a cool name which gives people time to think (what does Ubuntu mean...?)
    Totaly agree with that!
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
    Computer Scientist
    "A mind that opens to a new idea never gets its original size again."
    - Albert Einstein

  12. #32
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    Post Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    I think that we don't need only qt-oriented IDE. We need crossplatform "multi-oriented" IDE (This could be realized with plugin support for different types of projects).

  13. #33
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Quote Originally Posted by Townk
    Totaly agree with that!
    Also we have no need to use the 'IDE' in the title (application name)

  14. #34
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Hi guys!
    I'm back after a week-end with no internet connection but I used that time attempting to build a trully powerfull editor (have a look at thread "text editor with line numbers" for more info and download)

    About the name: When I was working alone on mine project I think that DevQt could be a decent name but reguarding to what you all said it appear that it's no that good!
    Quote Originally Posted by elcuco
    Choose a cool name which gives people time to think (what does Ubuntu mean...?)
    Totally agree and BTW could you tell me (I'm so stupid! ) what does Ubuntu mean???

    Quote Originally Posted by Townk
    First question I want to answer is: Why do another C++ IDE since we have KDevelop for Linux and even Eclipse CDT for multiplataform purpose?
    I think that this answer is not so simple, but lets go.
    The answer is quite simple, IMO: KDevelop may be VERY nice but it's not multi-platform;
    Eclipse could have been nice as well but it's written in Java so it's SLOOOOOOOOW!!!
    Moreover none of all the multi-platform IDE you can find has a build-in support for Qt4 : they all need plugins or extra tools!
    Finally I think it would be great to get involved in such a project : it's the best way to learn and to make your current knowledge usefull!

    Back to the project itself : it MUST be modular and plugins aren't a bad idea but they'll come later on! I'm not a great fan of the designer because it handles layouts very badly and thus can't create harmoniously resizable widgets but, well... why not?
    I have already done a minimalist handling of .pro files : it read the file and translate it to a
    Qt Code:
    1. QMap<QString, QStringList>
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    the Qstring being the name of the variable and the QStringList its content.
    I'm planning to handle conditionnals as well but it's gonna be much harder!!!

    edit: posted the screenshot(damn resizing I have to do! it was 1024*768 and the only image processing program I could use was M$ paint!!!) and source
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    Last edited by fullmetalcoder; 6th February 2006 at 14:13.
    Current Qt projects : QCodeEdit, RotiDeCode

  15. #35
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    Talking Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Looks very good FullmetalCoder, I'll look into the code later

    But, seeing this screenshot and what you are doing, makes me wonder:

    Are you using the EVONSAF methodology to develop your project (rsrsrsr, )?

    Before you ask EVONSAF means:
    VOntade de

    that is an anacronism to "Huge Wish to Get Doing" in protuguese.

    How about, project documentation? Diagrams? Even plans for your IDE?
    I think if you spend a little time on these things your project shoud be as good as it looks like. Just a tip

    But, anyway... excelent work so far (at least visualy).
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
    Computer Scientist
    "A mind that opens to a new idea never gets its original size again."
    - Albert Einstein

  16. #36
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Quote Originally Posted by Xagen
    Hey, guys!
    I have wroted one good text editor from two yours.
    I'll post it here later, ok?
    I tried yours and I've a few comments:
    - when you take code from other people its surely nice to mention it but when they're distributed under GPL, as was mine, you MUST keep the copyright notice!!! And you didn't AFAIK! I'm not gonna trial you but I advise you to consider following the rulesthat make open source possible!
    - please drop the Qx / QxPrivate architecture ( MemoX / MemoXPrivate in your case) : it's awful !!!
    - obviously you didn't read that hread very well : your current line highlighting is not fixed!

    How about, project documentation? Diagrams? Even plans for your IDE?
    I think if you spend a little time on these things your project shoud be as good as it looks like.
    I made a short diagram (by hand and no UML or stuffs like that!) of the project after two version heavily inspired from the WYSIWYG editor example provided by the Trolls and I used it to craft the current version; If you wish to start the devolepement of what's coming to be OUR IDE , I can make a more understandable one and post it here so as to allow a common and harmonious developement process!
    Current Qt projects : QCodeEdit, RotiDeCode

  17. #37
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Yo guys, I don't know what you think about this, but I want to call our IDE of: "Sphere"
    I don't know why nor how I think in this name, but it doesn't out off my mind

    Well, _PLEASE_ give me a name to I finish the registration of the project on Sourceforge!!!!
    Thiago dos Santos Alves
    Computer Scientist
    "A mind that opens to a new idea never gets its original size again."
    - Albert Einstein

  18. #38
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    Default Re: Rich Text Tale Vol1 : Background colors

    Quote Originally Posted by Townk
    Yo guys, I don't know what you think about this, but I want to call our IDE of: "Sphere"
    I don't know why nor how I think in this name, but it doesn't out off my mind

    Well, _PLEASE_ give me a name to I finish the registration of the project on Sourceforge!!!!
    Sphere ??? It doesn't really appeal to me (what about Canopy? )!

    Do you like "CodeSailor" or "Bumblebee"? why those rather than others? Dunno, maybe I think coding is much like sailing or I like the comparision between coder and bumblebee!

    It seems we're going a little off-topic! I'm gonna open a IDE developpement thread!
    Current Qt projects : QCodeEdit, RotiDeCode

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