Hello, I am getting this error, (Linking error, according to what I have read), but I can't figure out how to fix it.

Qt Code:
  1. RoboSearch.cpp: undefined reference to `compare::searchTwo(QString, QString, QString)'
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Most people seem to have this trouble when they don't add the .cpp and .h in the .pro file, but I have. I am using Qt 4 on windows with VS C++ 2005 express, and am using VS to build the project.

qmake –project
make clean
make release

This is the function in the class RoboSearch that is calling a method from another class.

Qt Code:
  1. void RoboSearch::Compare()
  2. {
  3. compare *comp = new compare;
  4. comp->show();
  5. compare::searchTwo("B enrichment - MP - km2.xml", "B Enrichment MP 10-10-5.xml", directory);
  6. }
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This is the class declartion of compare in compare.h
Qt Code:
  1. class compare : public QMainWindow, private Ui::compare
  2. {
  5. public:
  6. compare(QMainWindow *parent = 0);
  7. static void searchTwo(QString protocol1, QString protocol2, QString directory);
  8. };
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And for good measure, here is the .pro file.

Qt Code:
  1. TEMPLATE = app
  2. TARGET =
  3. DEPENDPATH += .
  5. QT += xml
  6. CONFIG += console
  7. RC_FILE = RoboSearch.rc
  9. # Input
  10. HEADERS += compare.h DOM.h readme.h RoboDOM.h RoboSearch.h
  11. FORMS += compare.ui readme.ui RoboSearch.ui
  12. SOURCES += compare.cpp DOM.cpp main.cpp readme.cpp RoboDOM.cpp RoboSearch.cpp
  13. RESOURCES += RoboSearch.qrc
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I am new to Qt, and fairly new to programming in general.... Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!