
I am currently writing some kind of paper on algorithms for school and I thought about cryptography to illustrate my work with examples. However when googling around I only found very complicated and time-consuming things without much explanations on the principle : WEP, WPA, Blowfish...

So I took my pencil, unleashed the power of my mind
and I came to the following code which as you can see is a rather lightweight, though very powerful, XOR crypto :
Qt Code:
  1. // this function is called encrypt but is actually a "state-switcher"...
  2. void encrypt(QByteArray& data, const QByteArray& pass)
  3. {
  4. for ( int i = 0; i < data.count(); i++ )
  5. data[i] ^= pass.at(i % pass.count());
  6. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

My question is : Why isn't such a method used everywhere ??? It has many advantages and, provided a shared key is affordable, no real drawbacks AFAIK...

Just to convince you here are some figures :
  • A WEP passphrase is something like 10 ASCII chars long, which, you shall admit, corresponds to 10*8 = 80 bits
  • Using a passphrase of this size (which is rather reasonable) in my homemade encryption function gives 2^80 = more than 1.2*10^24 possible combinations
  • Assuming one attempts a "brute-force" cracking of a 100 characters long text message encoded with the aforementioned key he will have to try decoding the message with each of these combinations and then check if it is likely to be a message...
  • Assuming 100 T-states for each pass of the encoding/decoding loop we have 100*100 = 10.000 T-states for each encoding/decoding.
  • With luck the brute-force attack can find the correct key after 2^40 attempts (sounds a lot ? try it and you'll see that it would be quite a luck indeed...). That would take him : 10.000 * 2^40 = 1.1*10^16 T-states
  • You're not used to measure time with T-states are you? So let's convert that to common units. Assuming the cracker uses a 3GHz processor fully dedicated to the task (which never happens but we'll discard hardware questions here...), the attack will last : 1.1*10^16 / 3*10^9 = 3.665.039 seconds = 1018 hours = 42 days and an half : about a month and an half!!! For a simple text message encoded using a WEP-like key!!!
However I'm not a specialist of cryptography and may have missed something very important. Thus I'd appreciate if someone could answer my question : Why isn't it used everywhere???