That would not work since the calling function passes a const pointer:
QModelIndex AModel
::itemToIndex(const A
int column
) const{ const A *parent = x->parent();
int row = parent->indexOfChild(x);
QModelIndex AModel::itemToIndex(const A *x, int column) const{
const A *parent = x->parent();
int row = parent->indexOfChild(x);
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Of course I could get rid of all the const. But I don't want to do that.
But it does work if I use the QList like this.
#include <QList>
class A
A(A* parent = 0){ _list = new QList<const A*>(); _parent = parent;}
~A(){ delete _list;}
int indexOfChild(const A* x) const { return _list->indexOf( x, 0); }
int i;
A *_parent;
QList<const A*> *_list;
#include <QList>
class A
A(A* parent = 0){ _list = new QList<const A*>(); _parent = parent;}
~A(){ delete _list;}
int indexOfChild(const A* x) const { return _list->indexOf( x, 0); }
int i;
A *_parent;
QList<const A*> *_list;
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I still don't really understand the previous error.
QList's method is declared like this.
int QList::indexOf ( const T
& value,
int from
= 0 ) const
int QList::indexOf ( const T & value, int from = 0 ) const
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The method will not modify T, or how do I have to read the const T& here?
I guess I have to get my Bruce Eckel's out again.