I have just upgraded from Qt 4.1.4 to Qt 4.3.0 and am having a few bugs. I have a QTableView that holds a bunch of QVariant data. I have it set up so the user selects the whole Row when they click on a cell. This was working fine in Qt 4.1.4, but now it somewhat works in Qt 4.3.0. What happens now is when I click and drag to select multiple rows, the first row is selected correctly, but subsequent rows only highlight the first cell of the row. Some of the rows have a thin black selection line underneath some of the other cells in the selected row. However, if I pull a window to the front of the screen and then bring the window containing my QTableView back to the front, forcing a redraw, all the selected rows are highlighted correctly. I have tried calling a repaint call on the QTableView when I release the mouse button, but this did not fix the call. Does anybody have any ideas why this worked fine in Qt 4.1.4 but not now in Qt 4.3.0? My code is on a standalone Solaris and the only way I can get the code off it is to print it and retype it, which I would prefer to not do unless it is necessary. Thanks for your help!