
I am using Qt with Eclipse and MinGW compiler for C++ under Windows. I can't load any libraries into my project. I just copy/paste libraries in project directory, and Eclipse recognize libs, but when I try to access to them it say "Resource not found". I edited .pro file with line
LIBS += -LD:/Darko/projects/PCapp -lFTCJTAG -lFTD2XX
where D:/Darko/projects/PCapp is directory witch contains libs, and FTCJTAG.lib and FTD2XX.lib are libs. When I try to use functions witch are in this libraries compiler returns me an error: "undefined reference to `_imp__JTAG_GetNumDevices@4'", and I think it's linker error. I also need to load dlls, and I go to Project Properties->C/C++ Project Paths->Libraries and there I add a dll files, but it doesn't work too. When I use this libs and dlls in MS Visual C++ it work perfectly.
What I have to do?
Sorry about my English.
