Good morning, sehr geheerte Damen und Herren!

I have problem I cannot crack. I have three classes, that need to cooperate. Namely, I am writing language change aware app and I coded a class, derived from QPushButton, which represent a "nation flag button". It is subclassed from QPushButton and also it holds a private member:
Qt Code:
  1. private:
  2. qint16 m_iLanguageId; // language id number
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which is id number from database. When creating an object from CFlagButton, this number is set correctly. But I simply cannot send this number via signal mapper i wrote to its parent window, CLanguageSelectorWidget, which holds more of CFlagButtons (for every langauge in database there is appropriate flag button). Here is signal mapper I wrote:
Qt Code:
  1. CFlagButton::CFlagButton(QWidget* pParent,
  2. const QString flagPicture,
  3. const QString flagCaption,
  4. bool captionShown,
  5. const QString langTranslator,
  6. const qint16 iLanguageIdentificator)
  7. {
  8. ....
  9. m_pFlagButtonSM=new QSignalMapper(this); // creates new signal mapper
  10. Q_CHECK_PTR(m_pFlagButtonSM); // checks creation
  11. // installation of translator
  12. m_pTranslator=new QTranslator(qApp); // creats new translator
  13. Q_CHECK_PTR(m_pTranslator); // checks creation
  14. m_pTranslator->load(langTranslator); // loads translator
  15. connect(this,
  16. SIGNAL(clicked()),
  17. m_pFlagButtonSM,
  18. SLOT(map())); // connects button to signal mapper
  19. m_pFlagButtonSM->setMapping(this, (int)m_iLanguageId); // sets mapping
  20. /*
  21.   connect(m_pFlagButtonSM,
  22.   SIGNAL(mapped(int)),
  23.   this,
  24.   SIGNAL(clicked(const int))); // connects signal mapper to button
  25.   connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(const int)),
  26.   pParent, SLOT(translate(const int))); // connects emited signal to slot
  27. */
  28. connect(m_pFlagButtonSM,
  29. SIGNAL(mapped(int)),
  30. pParent,
  31. SLOT(translate(const int))); // connects signal mapper to translator
  32. ....
  33. }
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pParent here is CLanguageSelectorWidget object and its translate() slot is:
Qt Code:
  1. void CLanguageSelectorWidget::translate(const int iLanguageIdentificator)
  2. {
  3. qDebug() << "iLanguageIdentificator: " << iLanguageIdentificator;
  4. qApp->installTranslator(>translator()); // installs translator
  5. accept(); // closes parent window
  6. }
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m_LangButton group is defined as:
Qt Code:
  1. QList<QPointer<CFlagButton> > m_LangButtonGroup; // language button group
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I've entered into debugger, set the breakpoints and the cruical member variable m_iLanguageId holds -4096 or -4098 values (it seems it is not initialized properly)
In constructor of CFlagButton the variable is initalized properly - checked with gdb.
Can nice jpn or other nice experts help me?