I am new to QT and is learning QT 4.2.3 in order to do Database programming using QT4

I have read thro all the QtSql and managed to do all the following:-

1. connect to database
2. add, delete database from database
3. create model on the database using QSqlTableModel and view it via QTableView
4. Access database data using QSqlquery for validation check

However, all the above is being done on a single table.

I want to do master details database access such as empoyee [header] and address [details]. I know i need to use QSqlrelation, however i notice that all those still talk about single table. Can any one help me on this but showing me how to go about doing master - detail database accesss such as sales invoices screen [customer ->master ] and items sold [at details].

Thanks in advance

Phan Sin Tian