Hi all, I have the following connection:

Qt Code:
  1. qRegisterMetaType<ManegadorParamsProcessat::ResultatProcessat>("ResultatProcessat");
  2. connect(&fotosThread, SIGNAL(nouFitxerProcessat(const QString &,
  3. ManegadorParamsProcessat::ResultatProcessat, double)), this,
  4. SLOT(novaFotoProcessada(const QString &, ManegadorParamsProcessat::ResultatProcessat,
  5. double)));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

when I execute the program with gdb debugger it alerts me that QObject::connect cannot queue arguments of type 'ManegadorParamsProcessat::ResultatProcessat'

I've defined 'ManegadorParamsProcessat::ResultatProcessat' in this way:
Qt Code:
  1. enum ResultatProcessat {ProcessatCorrecte, AnomaliesContorn, NomesFons, FitxerInvalid, ProcessatManual, ProcessatInvalid};
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
in the class 'ManegadorParamsProcessat'. I make the include to this class in the header of the class where I do the connection. So I dont' know what's wrong, anybody knows it?
