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Thread: Threaded TCP server

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    Default Threaded TCP server


    I'm writing an application to view MRI Images sent over a TCP connection. My program works well in a single thread but the problems arise when I try to run the server part in a separate thread.

    I get the error "-1" when I try to set the descriptor of the socket :
    Qt Code:
    1. if (clientSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketId))
    2. {
    3. emit error(clientSocket->error());
    4. cout << "setSocketDescriptor error : " << clientSocket->error() << endl;
    5. return;
    6. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    In the main window, I create a server object which starts listening :
    Qt Code:
    1. if (!server->listen(QHostAddress(QHostAddress::Any/*ipAddress*/), serverPort)) {
    2. cerr << "Failed to open bind port" << endl;
    3. }
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    Here is my implementation of the Server class :
    Qt Code:
    1. #include "server.h"
    2. #include "serverthread.h"
    3. #include <iostream>
    5. using namespace std;
    7. Server::Server(QObject *parent)
    8. : QTcpServer(parent)
    9. {
    10. }
    13. void Server::incomingConnection(int socketId)
    14. {
    15. cout << " socketID : " << socketId << endl;
    16. ServerThread *serverThread = new ServerThread(socketId, NULL);
    17. connect(serverThread, SIGNAL(finished()), serverThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
    18. emit clientConnected();
    19. serverThread->start();
    20. }
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    The code of the ServerThread class :
    Qt Code:
    1. #include "serverthread.h"
    2. #include "clientsocket.h"
    3. #include <QtNetwork>
    4. #include <iostream>
    6. using namespace std;
    8. ServerThread::ServerThread(int socketDescriptor, QObject *parent)
    9. : QThread(parent), socketId(socketId)
    10. {
    11. socketId = socketDescriptor;
    12. }
    14. void ServerThread::run()
    15. {
    16. cout << " socketID 2 : " << socketId << endl;
    17. ClientSocket *clientSocket = new ClientSocket(/*this*/NULL);
    18. if (clientSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketId)) {
    19. emit error(clientSocket->error());
    20. cout << "setSocketDescriptor error : " << clientSocket->error() << endl;
    21. return;
    22. }
    23. }
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    And finally the ClientSocket class :
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QtNetwork>
    2. #include <cstdlib>
    3. #include <iostream>
    5. #include "clientsocket.h"
    7. using namespace std;
    9. ClientSocket::ClientSocket(QObject *parent)
    10. : QTcpSocket(parent)
    11. {
    12. connect(this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readClient()));
    13. connect(this, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
    14. this, SLOT(displayError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
    15. connect(this, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
    16. }
    18. void ClientSocket::readClient()
    19. {
    20. QFile dumpFile("/home/meylan/QT/IRMServer/dump.log");
    22. QDataStream dump(&dumpFile);
    23. QDataStream in(this);
    24. qint64 bytesDispo;
    25. qint8 data;
    27. in.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_1);
    29. while (this->waitForReadyRead(500)) {
    30. bytesDispo = this->bytesAvailable();
    31. cout << endl << "Taille du paquet : " << bytesDispo << endl;
    32. for (int i = 0; i < bytesDispo; i++) {
    33. in >> data;
    34. dump << data;
    35. }
    36. }
    37. dumpFile.close();
    38. close();
    39. }
    41. void ClientSocket::displayError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError socketError)
    42. {
    43. switch (socketError) {
    44. case QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError:
    45. cout << "Remote host closed !" << endl;
    46. break;
    47. case QAbstractSocket::HostNotFoundError:
    48. cout <<"Host not found !" << endl;
    49. break;
    50. case QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError:
    51. cout << "Connection refused !" << endl;
    52. break;
    53. default:
    54. cout << this->error() << endl;
    55. }
    56. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    Do you have any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. The following user says thank you to Sysace for this useful post:

    Suncell (6th June 2010)

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