I'm brand new to Qt programming and of course to this forum. So, greetings one and all.
I am simply trying to display a QMessageBox but the "standard" icon is not showing. In its place is the default Mac Application icon (a sheet of paper with a pencil, brush, and ruler forming an 'A' for those familiar with Mac OSX).
Here is the very simple code snippet:
QMessageBox::warning((QWidget *)0, "Test", "Testing");
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
I also tried this code to manually load the icon with the same result:
QMessageBox qmbox;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
However, if I change the code to use the "Critical" message icon (using either of the above 2 methods) the "Warning" message icon appears.
QMessageBox::Question and QMessageBox::Information behave the same as QMessageBox::Warning ... ie: no standard message icon is display. QMessageBox::NoIcon works properly and does not display any icon.
I am programming on Mac OSX using Qt 4.3.3