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Thread: Pro->Makefile: how to make includes

  1. #1

    Default Pro->Makefile: how to make includes

    I have a really annoying problem - I need some externals files to be included into Makefile generated by my project (*.pro) file. In *.pro file I have a directive include(file.ext). So I can do something like this in my *.pro-file:


    But when the Makefile is generated by qmake, these includes are not there. I habe to include those file somehow, cuz they contain very important definitions shared by all subprojects. How can I force qmake to generate a Makefile in wich contains these includes? Is there any way at all? Please, help, it's a real problem now...

    P.S.: the only way I can "solve" the problem is to write this includes into Makefile myself:
    But after rebuilding Makefile these strings disappear and I have to add it again manually, so that's not a reasonable solution...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Pro->Makefile: how to make includes

    I think qmake has nothing to do with your includes. Include directives in a *.pro file are used to add another portion of qt-related directives. If you don't want to manually add your includes to the makefile you should automate it with appropriate command line options of make program.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pro->Makefile: how to make includes

    Maybe you know a way how to write a script in *.pro file which will force qmake to insert my text into the generated Makefile? For example, I want to create a *.pro-file which "tells" qmake to insert a string "include ../../" into Makefile during the generation. Is it possible to do? Does somebody know?
    That could solve the problem of this thread...

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