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Thread: Qt 4.4 OSE and MSVC 2008 problem

  1. #1
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    Default Qt 4.4 OSE and MSVC 2008 problem

    Hi all,

    I have problems to compile Qt 4.4 Open Source Edition on MSVC 2008.
    Here's what I've done:

    I exctracted, then I downloaded and installed the latest DirectX SDK from the MS site.
    After that I opened the Visual Studio command prompt, navigated to the DirectX SDK and I executed it's env bat file. So far so good, I navigated to the Qt 4.4 dir (D:\Development\Qt-4.4.0\) and before all this I was already setuped the env variables like QTDIR, PATH and QMAKESPEC and I checked are they working correct with commands like echo %QTDIR%
    I've also wanted OpenSSL support so I compiled OpenSSL for Visual Studio 2008.
    Now here's my configuration line
    Qt Code:
    1. configure -static -release -no-qt3support -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -qt-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -openssl -I D:\Development\OpenSSL\include -L D:\Development\OpenSSL\lib
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    It configure fine, the library itself compile's but there is a tons of linker warnings and even errors on some examples(no problems with OpenSSL parts btw). When I tried to make new project with basic QWidget it runs fine but at compile time there is tons of linker warnings for dllexport or something like that, when I try to compile project with Phonon it give's me linker errors and also the QWebView is not rendering the page well at all, most of the images are just not there and the JavaScript is not working (I turned it on via the QWebSettings pointer with setAttribute() but no luck). My problems is that it always give's tons of dllexport warnings and errors, I attached a log from one example.

    Please help.
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Qt 4.4 OSE and MSVC 2008 problem

    Solution found but it's not good for me. I contacted with the Qt support and they told me that static version of Qt is not supporting Phonon and WebKit because of the LGPL license, I hope that in the next version they will make the configure program to disable them automatically when using the -static option with good warning about that.

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