Hello, i am new with qt/c++. I am trying to use postgresql driver( postgresql 8.2), but i got a error: Driver not loaded.
I am using qt4.4.1(open source edition) on windows xp. I am using eclipse via Qt eclipse Integration v1.4.1.
Everything is fine with postgres. I connected via java.
My .pro is like
INCLUDEPATH = "D:\Arquiv~1\PostgreSQL\8.2\include"
QT += core \
gui \
sql \
xml \
LIBS += "D:\Arquiv~1\PostgreSQL\8.2\lib\ms\libpq.lib"

I put the, dlls, qsqlpsql4.dll and qsqlpsqld4.dll on folder qtdir/ bin

when i execute the snippet: qDebug() << QSqlDatabase::drivers(); got ("QSQLITE", "QODBC3", "QODBC")

Somebody could help-me