I'm trying to make a basic file manager based on custom QlistWidget showing files and folders like Konqueror/Dolphin (IconMode) using PyQt4 and Python. The problem I have is about using correct events for the tasks I want to code.
- For context menu I use contextMenuEvent and at this point no problem with this

- For dropping files/folders on folders or moving them I use dropEvent – it works for dropping on folders, but there is small painting glitch – the items stay where they are, and also show up (only painted) in the drop place if its a blank space - do I have drag them in code (using Qdrag etc.) to that position? (it works if dropEvent isn't defined)

- For clicking on an item I use mouseReleaseEvent and check if it's the “1” button and there is 1 element selected (so it won't run on selecting elements). The problem is that when I use mouseReleaseEvent the dragging of multiple items doesn't work – I select few items and pressing mouse button on them again doesn't give the drag option, just selects the item under cursor or makes another selection – how can I solve this? (works if mouseReleaseEvent is not defined, using mousePressEvent makes selection rectangle go crazy and select from top-left corner to cursor position)