I have been trying to set up a frame buffer object using the QGLFramebufferObject.
I thought that i was doing something wrong all the time and was trying various things cause i thought that my code was wrong...
In my project i have QMainWindow and a QGLWidget as a central widget...
By debugging i found that wthe problem was when i was trying to bind the FBo ( fb0->bind() )

After some searching i found that this happens only when i use the widget inside the qmainwindow...
So if the widget does not have a parent everything is ok as it seems.

The examples that qt provides for qglframebufferobject dont have a parent and everything works ok. Just to prove to myself that i was still sane :P i added those widgets to a qmainwindow and the bind() failed as expected..

I really dont have any idea on how to sort this so i would be more than grateful if someone could provide help !

Thank you in advance