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Thread: Can't click menubar items / QPixMap doesn't show

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Can't click menubar items / QPixMap doesn't show


    I am porting an application from Qt3.3 to Qt4.4 with Qt3support.

    The main window can show up and the buttons can work. However, I have the following two problems:

    1. the menubar shows and it looks enabled. however, mouse clicks on it and there is no response ( the menu item doesn't pushed down or appearing as selected when click mouse on it. ). I hard -coded to set menubar enabled, it still doens't work. Can anyone let me know what the probelm is?

    2. Previously, the QpixMap object can show a image data on screen. Now, the window is pure black. however, it seems all the operation on images still runing at behind. Is there any change in using Qpixmap object in Qt3 and Qt4?

    Any help is highly appreciated!

    Thank you!


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Can't click menubar items / QPixMap doesn't show


    1. Could you show the relevant code that setups the menu bar?
    2. Could you show the relevant code that uses / paints the pixmap? In Qt 4 you cannot paint on widgets outside paintEvent().
    J-P Nurmi

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