
I have done a fair share of googling and reading post in this forum. However I am still having a problem of the application complaining of "QMYSQL driver not loaded"

Here is what I have:

1) The OS is redhat enterprise kernel 2.6x
2) The OS come loaded with qt 3.6
3) I extract qt 4.4.0 and compiled in a seperate location let's call it $QTDIR, I have compile and run other QT application fine --> suggested that I have the 4.4.0 environment set up correctly.
4) the QTDIR has the following plugins:
5) I have QT += sql in the .pro file
6) The following code yield the following error:

int main( int argc, char **argv )
QCoreApplication app( argc, argv );
qDebug() << "Sql driver " << QSqlDatabase::drivers();
QSqlDatabase db( QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QMYSQL" ) );
qDebug() << db.lastError();

The result is :
Sql driver ()
QSqldatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
QSqlError(-1, "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded");

8) After extensive googling, it all seem to suggest a recompile of mysql plugin, the question is, if i already have the qsqlmysql.a in the plugins/sqldrivers/ do I still need to recompile it? What am I doing wrong?

Please help.

