Hello all,

I have main window and I would like to create my own status bar for this window. So the obvious way of doing it is to subclass QStatusBar and create my own class base on that.

So I have a simple class
Qt Code:
  1. class MyStatusBar : public QStatusBar
  2. {
  3. // constructor and destructor here
  4. };
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Then in MyMainWindow constructor I set status bar like this
Qt Code:
  1. this->setStatusBar(myStatusBar);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
However, if I start application I get following error
undefined symbol: _ZN10QStatusBar9showEventEP10QShowEvent
My question is
Is it possible to subclass QStatusBar? There is nothing about it in Qt manuals. If yes, should I implement some virtual functions, because it looks like application cannot find function body (or maybe I'm wrong).