
I've got a QLineEdit that is used to specify a file path for either Windows or Unix environments. I've got a QRegExpValidator to ensure things are entered correctly, but to a new user, the format it accepts may be non-obvious -- when they start typing and nothing happens, it'd be rather confusing.

I'd like to write, in the text-entry space, a brief statement of what format the QLineEdit is accepting, eg "Insert Windows filename here", but not as the value of QLineEdit (e.g., not via setText(..)).

My thoughts were to use a QPainter and drawText into this space when the text() was empty (and the widget is enabled) in a light-colored font (as to not confuse, but rather inform, the user). This text would be more obvious than a tooltip.

I've tried to re-implement paintEvent directly and use QCoreApplication::sendEvent() with a QPaintEvent object that defines the rect() of the QLineEdit to no avail.

Can anyone provide some hints as to how to get this working, or suggest an alternative technique?

