I have a GUI application which has a push button and text area.

what i want the app to do is, when i press a push button, it should call a function that i have written and display its return value in the text area.

this is the function
Qt Code:
  1. using namespace std;
  3. char DLLfunction (){
  4. QLibrary myLib("dllprog");
  5. typedef char* (*MyPrototype)();
  6. MyPrototype myFunction =
  7. (MyPrototype) QLibrary::resolve("dllprog", "TestDll");
  9. char *b = myFunction();
  10. return b;
  11. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

how can get the return value in the GUI and in the text area.

I am using QtCreator.