Hello all,

I have recently upgraded Qwt on my PC, from 0.4.1 to 0.5.0.

In my project I:
1) retrieve the coordinates where the user clicked
2) get the closest marker of that point

On 0.4.1, I am using a QwtPlot with Markers. I used to catch the signal emitted by QwtPlot which was "plotMousePressed" and then using "closestMarker" in the slot to retrieve the marker on which the user had clicked.

There has been some changes and these both commands are no more available. Do you know a way to get the same behavior on a marker with the version 0.5.0 of Qwt?

I had a look at these:
For the mouse event: there are signals emitted by the legend widget and by the picker widget. The picker widget serves to select a QWidget*, but the problem is that the marker does not inherit from QWidget.
For the closestMarker function: there is a "ClosestPoint" for the curve, but I found nothing similar for the marker.

Any hint, any help welcome,

