
I noticed that it just did not work on my Mac, and I havent found a solution for it. On my Windows and Linux machine this approach works for me, but I think it is not a very nice solution.

I found this: https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-17581

In the comments from Kevin Barreau, there is a patch for Phonon. I did not try it, because I do wanted it to work on a vanilla Phonon Version. I thought that maybe the patch would be imported to the official branch, but I think Phonon - Qt development has stopped so far.

I started now trying to wrap my own QIODevice over the NetworkReply, and in the atEnd() method I return reply.atEnd() && reply.isFinished(). That should do the thing also I thought, but I could not get this work either.

I will inform you if I have some updates and maybe you could do that too

So I am sorry, but I could not get this work in a way I liked