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Thread: Using Qt::FramelessWindowHint turns off the minimize and activate function of taskbar

  1. #1

    Default Using Qt::FramelessWindowHint turns off the minimize and activate function of taskbar

    Hi All,

    I have developed an Qt application using Qt::FramelessWindowHint , which actually turned off the minimize and activate functionality of application from taskbar.

    When I click on taskbar Icon of my application it does nothing , but just keep my application as such.

    Please tell how can I overcome this problem, I want to minimize and maximize my frameless application from taskbar as usually other application does.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: Using Qt::FramelessWindowHint turns off the minimize and activate function of tas


    I have the same problem. Any ideas how to active the taskbar using Qt::FramelessWindowHin? Thanks.


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