OK I've spent the whole day and evening trying unsuccessfully to get Qwt to work with the latest Creator 1.2.1

I found that there is an Ubuntu package for creator 1.0.0 and that qt4.5.0 is automatically installed when installing Ubuntu although the package for creator is only available for Ubuntu 9.04. I need Qt for both 8.10 and 9.04 so I tried installing the package on my 9.04 machine. I also found that Qwt runtime is also automatically loaded when installing Ubuntu but not the development package, so I installed that.. and low and behold there are the Qwt widgets in Creator 1.0.0 !

So with fresh enthusiasm I attempted to build and install the Qt example customwidget.. and success.. the widget appears on the toolbar !!

So then I tried to build qwt from source. I first removed the development package then followed the instructions as given in the INSTALL file.

FAIL ! No Qwt widgets at all.

I then tried various things all to no avail, then I thought perhaps it has something to do with the versions on Qt and Qwt runtimes, so I removed all traces of Qt and Qwt Ubuntu packages, and installed the SDK. First running the binary to install Creator and then building from source Qt itself.

I then tried a clean build of Qwt from the source, checkin the .pro and .pri files which appeared to be ok. Did a 'make install' then run Creator. Guess what ?


Checked the plugin directory for the qwt '/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/plugins/designer/ and there's the plugin.

Next I thought I'd try to build the example from before.. the simple custom widget. Checked the directory as above.. and there's the plugin. The I realised that's the plugins for Qt.. I need to check the plugins for Creator, which are under a different directory, and sure enough the plugin is missing. So a quck change to 'target.path' to point at the plugin directory for Creator, re build and there it is in Creator !

So I changed the target.path in designer.pri to that one too.. guess what..


The plugin appears in the directory but no widgets in Creator ?

Why is it so hard to install Qwt ???????