
Subject line says it all--in particular, I get

1) sigsev when executing 'glGetBooleanv(GL_STEREO, &b);',
2) Null pointer returned from gluNewQuadric(), and
3) Incredibly slow texture processing, and incorrect mapping (the texture is rendered 10x the actual size).

My program works with only a few tiny glitches (the occasional 'makeCurrent() failed'--I'm rendering from a worker thread) under Vista, with an nVidia GTS 250. I developed this under Vista, and it compiles fine on my Mac Pro (OSX 10.5, ATI Radeon X1900) aside from some debugging symbol warnings in the Qt modules. All of the Qt opengl demos work great on the Mac. My includes are

Qt Code:
  1. #include <QGLWidget>
  2. #include <qgl.h> //"No such file or directory" for #include <QGL>
  3. #include <QtOpenGL>
  4. #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
  5. #include "GL/glext.h"
  6. #endif
  7. #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
  8. #include <Glut/glut.h>
  9. #endif
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I looked at some of the opengl example code and I didn't see anything I was missing. Anybody know what might be going on here? Thank you!
