Hi All,
when compiling a demo of QT4:"browser"

i got linking errors as below:

webview.cpp.text+0x695): undefined reference to `QUiLoader::QUiLoader(QObject*)'
webview.cpp.text+0x6cb): undefined reference to `QUiLoader::createWidget(QString const&, QWidget*, QString const&)'
webview.cpp.text+0x6ed): undefined reference to `QUiLoader::~QUiLoader()'
webview.cpp.text+0x718): undefined reference to `QUiLoader::~QUiLoader()'
but i do specified uitools module when execute the qmake:

qmake -project QT+=network QT+=webkit QT+=uitools

I found the reason is due to in my qt library directory there is only a static library for uitools "libQtUiTools.a" and there is no "libQtUiTools.so".

I make a link using:

ln -s libQtUiTools.a libQtUiTools.so
but it seems it doesn't help.

how to use static library ,any suggestions?

Thanks advance.