Hi guys,

So what I want to do is use the QPropertyAnimation to effect the opacity of a widget to get a fade effect.

So i have the following:

note: proxy is a widget I added to the graphics scene.

Qt Code:
  1. QPropertyAnimation *propAnimationFade;
  2. propAnimationFade = new QPropertyAnimation(proxy, "setOpacity");
  3. propAnimationFade->setDuratoin(1000);
  4. propAnimationFade->setStartValue(1.0);
  5. propAnimationFade->setEndValue(0.0);
  6. propAnimationFade->start();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

This however doens't work.... I think the reason it doesn't work is because I'm not supplying the right field when I create the QPropertyAnimation, I use "setOpacity" and i'm not sure if thats correct or not....

Any help would be great!