I'm working on an open source app, built using Qt. It's all GL. With 4.5.x on OS 10.5, this app works great (same for Linux & Windows). But with 4.6.0, on OS X 10.6, it doesn't.

What happens is, the app starts and shows the default screen. It responds to keyboard and mouse input. It's the display that's the problem. It's hard to describe, but it is basically horizontal screen corruption. It's like horizontal bars a few pixels wide randomly jump up and down the screen. This renders it unusable.

This happened once before in the 4.5.x line with a release candidate version. When the GA came out, the issue was no longer present. This makes me believe the issue is with Qt, and not the application. I've filed defects on this, and a sample project is wanted. Except I'm not a Qt or GL expert, so trying to create a small sample app is out of the question (for me anyway).

Does this ring a bell with anyone? Maybe you have some insight I can use to trouble shoot the issue? Or even point me to a small sample app? The problem with a generic GL sample app is they work. I think it's because this app thoroughly uses GL, versus just the basics.

Any help greatly appreciated!