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Thread: getting images out of html

  1. #1

    Default getting images out of html

    I've been digging around the docs for a few hours.. I have chunks of html in QString and wondering if there is anyway to do like a regex to pull out something like <img *>

    I saw find but that just returns the posistion.. I'd like to return all occurances of the regex to like a qstringlist


  2. #2
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    Default Re: getting images out of html

    Here's an example from the docs:
    Qt Code:
    1. QString str = "offsets: 1.23 .50 71.00 6.00";
    2. QRegExp rx( "\\d*\\.\\d+" ); // primitive floating point matching
    3. int count = 0;
    4. int pos = 0;
    5. while ( (pos =, pos)) != -1 ) {
    6. count++;
    7. pos += rx.matchedLength();
    8. }
    9. // pos will be 9, 14, 18 and finally 24; count will end up as 4
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    You need something similar. QRegExp::cap( 0 ) should return the whole matched tag.

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