I have a project that I am trying to move over from Visual Studio to the QT Creator IDE. It is in a subdir structure and I have written all my *.pro files and have it nicely organized in my Qt Creator environment.

When i try to build the project I get countless "Cannot open include file" errors... even though the file is there and it is correctly included in one of the subdirs .pro files.

I feel like i am missing something here but im not sure what... here is my top level .pro file and an example of one of the subdir .pro files...

please any help would be greatly appreciated.

Qt Code:
  1. TEMPLATE = subdirs
  3. SUBDIRS = AssetControlStub \
  4. bin \
  5. config \
  6. ContextSetter \
  7. Hub \
  8. IGManager \
  9. Logger \
  10. MRPL_Parser \
  11. ServiceGPS \
  12. TactileEAI \
  13. VideoManager \
  14. VMux \
  15. IGService \
  16. Shared
  18. CONFIG += qt
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Qt Code:
  1. OTHER_FILES += Makefile.am
  2. HEADERS += IGManager.h
  4. SOURCES += IGManagerMain.cpp \
  5. IGManager_config.cpp \
  6. IGManager.cpp
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