Playing around with QDockWidget, it does a lot of what I want, and some of what I don't want. I'll make this brief:

Current application:
Qt Code:
  1. <Several QWidgets, including a QSpacerItem>
  2. <Several QWidgets, including a QSpacerItem>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Basically the number of QVBoxLayout w/ widgets + the QTableWidget combinations are decided at runtime based on an environment variable. They're actually a subclassed QHBoxLayout but I figured the diagram might get too convoluted. The above works for all intents and purposes, but the user can't resize the QVBoxLayout (width) to make it skinnier as they see fit... not without making some goofy controller to resize it manually. I try to come up with this one the best, but it seems like a lot of work that shouldn't be necessary.

From what I've seen, QDockWidget is definitely not what I want, as it focuses on a single QWidget, and is limited to one per QMainWindow (Amirite?). But, it's nice to slap a QDialog or QFrame in there, and have the user resize it. Is there another Widget that does something similar to that?