Ok, I'm a bit of a newbie so I'm not sure if this is possible, but if it is its probably going to be a fairly advanced answer, so hence I posted here.

I've basically got my own object type "arblip", this contains a number of data types. (Stings and doubles mostly).
I'm also making a set of widgets to display this data in various forms (say, a list that takes arblips and displays selected data from them)

The arblips themselves are stored in a array.

Is there any way of creating the widgets &or blip objects in such a way that when a piece of data in one is changed, it will update all the other widgets that use that arblip as a datasource?
(so, it possibly might involve the arblip object triggering a inherited list of slots when a setter is triggered for it?)

I can of course do this manually, but as I might end up with quite a few custom widgets it seems nicer if there was a way to organsie my object/data structure for this to be preformed neatly.

Thanks for any help in advance, and I hope I explained myself clearly enough,
