Dear All,

In my gui application, i have noticed that i am using many times a "qlabel + qslider + qlineedit" combination.
As such, i was thinking to sublass these and their assosicated functionality - which i assume is good practice.
I am struggling however, with the following issues and would really appreciate any help you could provide.

1. Should i subclass a QWidget or a QHBox ? What are the reasons for the choice ?

2. The main problem is the layout manager at the parent level. I am using a QGridLayout to manage many other widgets together with several instances of this new subclass. When i have the "qlabel + qslider + qlineedit" flat in the parent the layout is perfect, but once i subclass with either QWidget or QHBox, the layout of the parent widget is messed up ? I want it to be as if it were flat in the parent ? Is this possible ?

I know you are going to ask me to post some code, and i would really like to but theres so much of it.

I am in the process of making a testcase for you guys in the meantime.

Many thanks in advance.