I am wondering if graphicsView/Scene can be used in my situation :

To simplify : my goal is to have a window (QGraphicsView ?) which shows something similar to bargraph and X axis represents time. This is a live application : each time a new data arrives, it is represented in the view (so a bar is appended on X axis).
There is also the constraint of rolling/sliding inherent to all live applications : I have to keep data for a cetain delay (X axis), past this delay data are lost (something like circular buffer).
Obviously, view shall be centered on most recent bar displayed.

I would like to use QGraphicsView/Scene as I need toolTip on my bars to display several information regarding each bar.

We could consider it like a sophisticated network monitor.

Is this kind of application feasible with QGraphicsView/Scene?
(Qwt does not seem to have feature I need).