Hi all,

I need a hint!

I've connected a signal like this:
connect(personeelTableWidget, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(clickOntvangen(int, int)));

to a QTableWidget ( personeelTableWidget ) the table widget has 4 filled rows and a lot of open space. When I click in the empty space nothing happens (that is de slot "clickOntvangen" is not called. I think thats correct!.
When I click one off the cells in the table widget the slot "clickOntvangen" gets called, just as expected!. But when I click in the empty space, after a valid selection of a cell, the application terminates with the following message:

ASSERT failure in QList<T>:perator[]: "index out of range", file /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.1.0/include/QtCore/qlist.h line 369

Can somebody give me a hint how to avoid this kind of behavior because I don't like it?


P.S. in the preview there's a smilie on the wrong place, could not delete it! ( it is not in the original message