
I am trying to create a dialog that lets me choose a 1st list of input files, a 2nd list of input files, a 3rd list of output files.
I generate the output file from the 3rd list out of the input files in the 1st and 2nd lists.

List1------------------------------List2--------------------------- List3
<filename> Browse...--------<filename> Browse...---------<filename> Browse...

<Generate Pushbutton>

Comments about the following are very welcome:

  • 3 QTableViews, or should I use QTableWidgets instead?

  • 2 columns in each TableView, 1 for the filename, 1 for the browse button

  • How to allow addition/removal of entries in the lists? I want to enforce that triplets of filenames are added/removed together?

  • Do I make 1 QTableView with 6 columns instead?

  • I then have to subclass QAbstractTableModel, right?
