
I have a small problem:

I want to connect my QPushButtons to a Slot, which needs a int as argument, so I tried:

QObject::connect(Level1, SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, SLOT(StartLevel(1)));
QObject::connect(Level2, SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, SLOT(StartLevel(2)));
QObject::connect(Level3, SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, SLOT(StartLevel(3)));

But as an application output, I get:
Qt Code:
  1. Object::connect: No such slot StartWindow::StartLevel(1)
  2. Object::connect: No such slot StartWindow::StartLevel(2)
  3. Object::connect: No such slot StartWindow::StartLevel(3)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

My Slot in a QMainWindow:

void StartWindow::StartLevel(int _level)
Level *level = new Level(_level);
qDebug() << this->focusWidget();



Is there a easy way to connect the clicked()-Signal to a Slot, which needs an int-argument?

Thanks for your answer...
