
I've been trying to use QtDesigner 4.x to layout my GUI, but I haven't had much luck understanding how one is supposed to use the Designer's layout managers. Try as I might, after manipulating the sizePolicies for each of the Widgets in my mainwindow, the layout manager always screws up my ratios. For instance, if I have three widgets:

(1) A tree view along the left hand side of the main window (from top to bottom). I want this tree view to take up 100% of the vertical height and 25% of the horizontal height.

(2) Next to the tree view (1), I have added a frame that will soon encapsulate a widget of my own design. I would like this to have a width of the remaining 75% of the main window and a height of 75% of the main window.

(3) Under the frame (2), I have added a table view. This width should also be 75% of the main window and a height of the remaining 25% of the main window.

In order to try to get this to work, as far as I understand, I need to set all of the size policies (both H and V) of all of the widgets to preferred and then manipulate Hstretch and Vstretch to set up the ratios to equate to the precentages above (why Qt doesn't just support percentages, I have no idea, but that's probably another discussion). Once I have the ratios set, I hit the background of the window and then hit Grid layout. Well, that didn't work. So after going changing these stretch values sometimes systematically and sometimes randomly for several hours, I have found that (a) I don't understand how to use designer to set up widgets in relative sizes, and (b) I can't seem to problem solve my way through it. So, could someone please point me in the direction of a website or discussion on this subject? I can't imagine that I am the only one that is having trouble with this. thanks!