Hi all
I have written a demo which can run well on window/S60-5th emulator. But failed on phone.

In a word, my question is that does NetworkAccessManager support access Internet via GPRS?

Everytime after I launched my app on MX5800, I pressed send-button to send some datas to a Http server. Then screen pop up a dialog to let me chose a AP. I chose GRPS (also by WAP ) and then phone status-bar show that connection created successfully. But not data sent out, I check it out at network manager. No byte in, and no byte out.

When I turned to emulator, things changed. Data can be sent and received correctly. I'm sure the emulotar use winsock but not something else like wlan and GPRS.
Could you help me if you have any idea? Thanks a lot.

Platform : S60 5th and Windows XP.