
I'd like to react to multi-key combos (e.g. Key_Q+Key_W) that are being held down. So when you hold down a key combo, the event should be called all the time, just the same way as it works with single key events. I tried to use QShortcuts and enable autorepeat for them, but that didn't work:
Qt Code:
  1. keyCombos_.push_back(new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_W, Qt::Key_D), this));
  2. connect(keyCombos_[0], SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(keySequenceEvent_WD()));
  3. setShortcutAutoRepeat(keyCombos_[0]->id(), true);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
When using this approach I also have the problem that I can't catch single Key_W (or whatever the first Key in the keysequence is) strokes anymore.

Btw is there a way to remove the waiting time before a key is autorepeated?
