Hi, guys

I will deploy some applications in a USB stick, and I am planning to keep the Qt DLLs in a separate, common folder for all apps.

So, I'm planning to have a "qt.conf" with each executable, to make sure they will find the libraries.

I have read in the docs that, on a "qt.conf" file, the paths are relative to the directory containing the application executable, and this is perfect for a USB stick.

So, this file would be something like this:

Qt Code:
  1. [Paths]
  2. Prefix=..\Qt
  3. Binaries=bin
  4. Plugins=plugins
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The directory structure for, say, QtCore4.dll and qgif4.dll (one of the plugins) is as bellow, from the point of view of any of the apps:


But when I start any of them from a "cmd" window prompt, in the executable direcory,the message "could not find QtCore4.dll" always pops up.

If I manually put the full path of the "bin" directory in the PATH variable (in this case, "K:\Qt\bin", and the app in "K:\pp\pp.exe"), it works.

What am i doing wrong?
