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Thread: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

  1. #1
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    Default Qwt plugins in Qt Creator


    I'm using Windows 7 and would like to use Qwt designer plugin in Qt Creator.

    I do see qwt designer plugins in Qt Designer, but I can't figure out how to use the plugins in Qt Creator.

    I saw somewhere that I have to compile Qwt with vc++ using nmake so I tried but this gave me some errors.

    Does anyone uses Qwt designer plugin in Qt Creator? If so could you please tell me how did u install it?

    Thanks in advance!


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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Hi Jordan,

    Well, to be honest I did install Qwt plugin on QtCreator, but using MinGW. I'm gonna tell how I did and maybe can help you.

    1. Download and extract it to C:\MinGW.
    2. Download and install on your machine using MinGW that you downloaded before.
    3. Download and extract it to C:\.
    4. Open Qt 4.6.3 Command Prompt as administrator if your using Win7 or Vista, go to C:\ and create a dir as "qt-creator-1.3.1-build",enter the folder and type as follow:
      Qt Code:
      1. qmake.exe C:\qt-creator-1.3.1-src\ -spec win32-g++ -r CONFIG+=release
      To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
      Qt Code:
      1. mingw32-make release
      To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    5. While you wait for it to finish compiling this new version of QtCreator, you can compile Qwt as well. ( don't forget one detail: you need to compile all as "release". )
    6. After all done, just install Qwt plugin in Qt folder ( usually as C:\Qt\4.6.3\plugins\designer ) as well the binaries and libraries needed for it.

    If everything goes well, that I hope so, the new build of qtcreator will work with Qwt just fine.

    Any questions, just post them here and I'll take a look.

    Best Regards,

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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Thanks for a reply, Carlos.

    I tried to follow your way, and I thought I got it working, but I get different errors now.
    Maybe I compiled it wrong or something so I want to give it a few more try, but my supervisor really wants me to ask on the forum about this.
    So here it goes.

    I installed Qt and Qt Creator, and compiled qwt too. But I still can't find qwt designer plugins and when I check the list of the plugins, I see qwt designer plugins under Failed Plugins.
    It says it "Cannot load library C:/Qt/4.6.3/plugins/designer/qwt_designer_plugin5.dll: The specified module could not be found."
    Also, when I try to run the qwt examples, it builds okay but I get "C:\qwt-5.2.1\examples\bin\simple.exe exited with code -1073741515" this and it just exits.
    So I'm assuming I did something wrong when I installed qwt..

    I'm going to keep working on this but I also want to hear from you too.
    Thank you very much!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    I got it working! Finaly!

    I forgot to compile qwt as release. I recompiled it, and all works fine!

    Thank you!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    I am also getting the same message "qt exited with code -1073741515". I don't know how to compile qwt as release. Can you please help me out. In the Set build configuration, it is not giving the option of release.


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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Hi Ashish,

    To build qwt as release, all you have to do is enter the folder where you extract qwt sources and type:
    Qt Code:
    1. qmake.exe -spec win32-g++ -r CONFIG+=release
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Qt Code:
    1. mingw32-make release
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    and wait.

    after that copy the libs and dlls again to the qt folders and thats it.

  7. The following user says thank you to iuha for this useful post:

    itsmekrazzy4 (13th July 2010)

  8. #7
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Hey thnx, the thing works well now!!

  9. #8
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    OK, So I've been scratching my head over this for a while now (roughly a week 8-10hour/day). Basically I have tried every guide I have found and read every thread that I've come across on the subject but still no Qwt plugin in Qt Designer/Creator.

    If we focus on the method described above:
    I follow the first post by juha exactly with the exception that I use the Qt 4.7.0 instead of 4.6.3 and that I use the source for QtCreator 2.0.1 instead of 1.3.1.
    I do the qmake/mingw make exactly as he describes and then I do the same for qwt as juha describes in his second post.
    Everything goes well and I get no errors or anything like that.

    I copy the two files in C:\Qt\qwt-5.2.1\designer\plugins\designer (one *.dll and one *.a) to the folder C:\Qt\4.7.0\plugins\designer.
    I copy the two files in C:\Qt\qwt-5.2.1\lib (one *.dll and one *.a) to the folder C:\Qt\4.7.0\lib.

    But still. When I run designer from the start-menu I don't get the qwt-widgets available from the "toolbox" and under Help->About Plugins, sure enough, qwt is listed in the bottom as a failed plugin:
    "Cannot load library C:/Qt/4.7.0//plugins/designer/qwt_designer_plugin5.dll: 'Can't find the module' " Where 'Can't find the designated module' is a rough translation from Swedish.
    There are also two other failed plugins listed here:
    containerextensiond.dll and taskmenuextensiond.dll with the reason "uses incompatible Qt library......" if that could be of any help.

    This is actually not a real problem since I don't normally use the standalone Qt Designer. I prefer Qt Creator with its built in designer.
    However, when I try to run my freshly release-compiled qtcreator.exe (in C:\qt-creator-2.0.1-build\bin) I get an error saying that the program cannot be started since the file mingwm10.dll is missing on my computer, I also tried launching the .exe from Qt command prompt in hope that it would consider looking in the MinGW-folder but no difference. The .dll-file in question can be located in the C:/MinGW/bin-folder so I copied it and pasted it into the qtcreator.exe-folder and then it complains about some other dll so I do this with a couple of dlls from MinGW and then finally it says that there is an error in QtCore4.dll.
    'Can't find the procedure-start-address _Z17qt_message_output9QtMsgTypePKc in the DLL-file QtCore4.dll.'

    So what to do here?
    As you may understand I'm starting to get really frustrated over this and any help that might be given would be very much appreciated.

    Thank You!

  10. #9
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    OK, so now I have tried it all over again but with the exact files (versions) that juha is linking to in his first post. The result have the exact same behavior as in my post above so I guess this is not a version-issue.

    I realize that this is not an actual problem with the building of qwt (since I don't get Creator up and running with or without qwt) but since everything else has failed I need help getting Creator to run this way so that I might see if I can use the qwt widgets there.

    Thank you.

  11. #10
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Hi Tottish,

    Have you tried that with qwt 6.0?
    I had the same problems with qt 4.7.0, qtcreator 2.0.1 and qith qwt 5.2.1. However, when i tried the qwt 6.0 from svn in qwt website, the problem was solved.
    I honestly don't know exactly the issue there, but i think it can be a possible incompatibility.
    Try that and see if it works.

    Best Regards,


  12. #11
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Hello juha!

    Well no, I haven't. However as my last post indicate I did try with the exact same files you used with the exact same errors as I got when using 4.7.0 and 2.0.1. Since I can't launch the qtcreator.exe we need to solve that problem first and then maybe (if I'm lucky) the qwt plugin will work in the Creators built in designer.
    Any ideas on why my Creator won't launch? I feel as if it's only then I can know for sure that I messed something up with the qwt build since only creator is made explicitly in release mode. I'm guessing that qt-win-opensource-4.6.3-mingw.exe also builds in release mode but I don't know that sort of stuff. =)
    How can I get it to find the dll's it needs? I tried to copy them into the folder but there must be a better way?

    Thank you for your response!

    Oh!... and I'm on win7 home premium 64-bit if that might have to do with it.

  13. #12
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    OK, so I found what must have been the source of the problem.
    It seems that a HP-program that I installed some months ago is made in Qt and therefore has some Qt DLLs in its folder! Also this folder has been added to the path variable and that's why qtcreator.exe looked in the wrong folder for the DLLs.

    Anyway, I fixed it now so that it looks in the right directory and Qt Creator seems to work just fine... with the exception of the qwt plugin, of course. =)

    So... I'm basically back at square one. Same place I have ended up which ever guide I have been following. I get the examples to work but I don't get the widgets in the stand alone designer nor in the one built into Qt Creator.

    This time however it seems as if I can't build the examples from creator but the exe's built when compiling qwt works just fine. Don't know if this has anything to do with the main problem, just figured I should mention it.
    I get:
    "C:\qwt-5.2.1\examples\bin\simple.exe exited with code -1073741515"
    When building and running from Creator.

    Hmmm, I guess I'll try reinstalling the SDK and mess around with that for a while.
    As usual, I'm thankful for any help!


  14. #13
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    The attempts go on!
    Now I believe I'm making headway. Threw away all the stuff I compiled myself and returned to mess around with the 2010.05 SDK. Tried it this way: (again)
    And after a little wrestling around I have actually gotten the plugin to work (or at least display) in the stand alone designer but the plugin fails to load when I try to load it into the designer built into Qt Creator. The error message displayed under "About Qt Designer Plugins" says something like:
    ....qwt_designer_plugin5.dll' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "Windows msvc release full-config", got "Windows mingw release full-config"

    I take it this is a compiler issue? Is it possible that the standalone Designer is built with a different compiler than Qt Creator?


  15. #14
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Well, finally I believe I have managed to get it working!

    This is how I did it (on win7 64-bit).
    1. Download and install the Qt SDK as usual. (In my case 2010.05)
    2. Follow this guys advise on how to compile qwt.
    3. After I've put the plugin-files in their respective folders I got the qwt widgets to show in the standalone designer but not in Qt Creator. I guessed that Creator was built with nmake so I decided to compile my own Creator with MinGW using the method described in the first post of this thread.
    4. And it worked! Just remember to add the code snippet from the link in step number 2 to your .pro-file and you should be able to compile both debug and release versions of your project from Qt Creator.

    Thank you very much and have fun playing with Qwt. I know I will. =)

    Much Love!

  16. #15
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator


    I have tried many ways to add qwt plugin in Qt Creator but unfortunately I did NOT success!!
    Could someone please put up a download link of "qwt5.dll" and "qwt_designer_plugin5.dll"(compiled by msvc) for me??

    Qt version: 4.7 (2010.05)
    Creator : 2.0.1

    Last edited by ziXet; 9th February 2011 at 17:42.

  17. #16
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    I'd be happy to help out but unfortuneately I'm using MinGW...


  18. #17
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Are you using qwt widgets on Qt creator(designer) ? how?!

  19. #18
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    Quote Originally Posted by ziXet View Post
    I have tried many ways to add qwt plugin in Qt Creator but unfortunately I did NOT success!!
    Could someone please put up a download link of "qwt5.dll" and "qwt_designer_plugin5.dll"(compiled by msvc) for me??
    When you have problems with loading the designer plugin it is almost never a problem of the plugin. So downloading it from somewhere is pretty pointless.

    These are the usual reasons why you might fail:

    a) When the Creator itsself was not build with MSVC ( f.e when you are using a binary from Nokia ).
    b) The Creator was build in release mode and the Qwt designer plugin or the Qwt library itsself was build in debug mode ( or v.v )
    c) The plugin is not installed in a directory, where the Creator is looking for plugins
    d) The Creator can't find the Qwt Library itself ( PATH is not set )

    You request only makes sense, when you have problems with building the Qwt components !


  20. The following user says thank you to Uwe for this useful post:

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  21. #19
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    "Are you using qwt widgets on Qt creator(designer) ? how?!"
    Sure I do.
    Well I went about it pretty much the way I'm describing in this very thread if you just scroll up a little... ;-)

  22. The following user says thank you to Tottish for this useful post:

    ziXet (10th February 2011)

  23. #20
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    Default Re: Qwt plugins in Qt Creator

    I have installed Qt SDK for Windows and qt creator has been compiled with MSVC !
    so I need plugins files which compiled with MSVC

    Added after 32 minutes:

    Quote Originally Posted by Uwe View Post
    When you have problems with loading the designer plugin it is almost never a problem of the plugin. So downloading it from somewhere is pretty pointless.

    These are the usual reasons why you might fail:

    a) When the Creator itsself was not build with MSVC ( f.e when you are using a binary from Nokia ).
    b) The Creator was build in release mode and the Qwt designer plugin or the Qwt library itsself was build in debug mode ( or v.v )
    c) The plugin is not installed in a directory, where the Creator is looking for plugins
    d) The Creator can't find the Qwt Library itself ( PATH is not set )

    You request only makes sense, when you have problems with building the Qwt components !

    I know that!
    actually I don't have VS installed on my computer, so I need plugins files compiled in MSVC to get it to work on qt creator.
    Please upload qwt.dll and qwt_designer_plugin5.dll (if u have)

    Thank u
    Last edited by ziXet; 9th February 2011 at 18:23.

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