The second version of Lugdulo'V have been released, and I believe that it's the right time to advertise it.
Lugdulo'V is a Qt software allowing you to find availables bikes on bikes sharing systems. It's like
A Bike Now (on iPhone) or Cycloid (Android), except it works *everywhere* (tested on Windows, Linux, and Maemo).
You can search bikes and stations by position, name, or using a map.
Currently, only two bike networks are supported, for the city of Lyon (France) and Paris (France). But it's really
easy to support new networks by writting plugins. For example, it took me only one hour to write the Paris plugin !
If your city have such a network, try to write your own plugin and contact me so we can merge it into the next version !
There is no tutorial to write a plugin, but I wrote a skeleton plugin, and you can take a look to the two others, they
are really simple. Contact me if you need some help.
Licence : GPL
Source code: http://git.iksaif.net/?p=lugdulov.git;a=summary
Bug Tracker: http://dev.iksaif.net/projects/lugdulov
Web Page : http://xf.iksaif.net/dev/lugdulov.html
The Maemo version should be available soon in extra-devel, but you can also download it directly from my web page.
Technical part: it's all based on Views and Models. The StationsModel and StationsSortFilterProxyModel are used for everything
(including the map). I used a modified version of QMapControl for the map, but I've read that Nokia will probably add
some map features in Qt, so I'll switch to as soon as they are available ! Plugins are using QtPlugin stuff .