
A treemodel is used to display a structure in hierarchical format in QTreeView. The item Checked in the TreeView has to be displayed in a TextBox.

I am using selectionChanged () as the signal and it passess ModelIndex of the selected item to the slot function.

The problem is that ModelIndex I can get the row count and the column count (which is zero here).But the count is localized to a specific parent.My problem is that I want a unique representation of the item selected whether be it a parent or child.But what I get is sometimes only the parent string data is accessible sometimes the child.

void function_slot(QItemSelection &arg,QItemSelection &m)
Model *model;
QModelIndex index,k;
int row;

QModelIndexList selected =arg.indexes();
qDebug<< model->data(l,Qt:isplayRole).toString();