I am trying to capture snapshot of HTML page with flash contents. While searching on net found a utility called CutyCapt which captures a snapshot of web page. I tried that utility and found that it captures the snapshot of webpage.
However, it doesn't capture the flash contents in a web page. I am using http://www.flashiness.com/fseyeball.htm as a test case. It has eyeball flash content and a blue box with "flashiness.com" text in it.
When I ran the CutyCapt utility on this page (CutyCapt.exe --url=http://www.flashiness.com/fseyeball.htm --out=test.png), the output snapshot was showing blank in the places where there is flash content.
Later I came to know that we have to use option --plugins=on to capture the flash content. I went through the code and saw that, QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled is set to true to enable plugins. I used this option but still the flash contents were not captured properly.
Also, running the CutyCapt multiple seems to give the snapshot of the same page, I mean I don't find any difference in the output though the HTML page has GIF content in it.
Would anybody here please help me in getting the flash contents captured properly.
I tried the Qt demo browser that we get with SDK, the browser displays the flash contents of the above mentioned page properly. I saw the code of the demo browser and found that it also just sets the same attribute QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled to true to enable plugins. If I disable this line then the browser doesn't display the flash contents.
But why is that on setting the same attribute in CutyCapt or any other sample code that captures a webpage as a file doesn't capture the flash contents?
Please help me getting this resolved.
Thanks in advance.