I been tasked to develop a Qt application that would simplify a legacy application.

The legacy application uses a web-based interface which is works well for Engineering minded users.
(However, most of my customer base do not understand any of the terms used by the existing web interface - i.e. network parameters, fields to be set on 0xFF type of formats, etc.)

The idea is to create a simple Qt application that will expose the most common features (which do not require any technical background - and keep the web I/F for advanced users).

So my idea is to:

a) Develop a simple GUI with the parameters that users are familiar with, and can change without concerns.

b) use QWebKit (i.e. QWebView) on the background to post the changes done on the GUI application.

However, I can not find a way to modify the values of text-boxes or pushing a button via Qt code.

So far I have been able to extract all the QWebElements of my webpage by:

void Window::examineChildElements(const QWebElement &parentElement,
QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem)
QWebElement element = parentElement.firstChild();
while (!element.isNull()) {

QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item->setText(0, element.tagName());

if (element.tagName()=="TEXTAREA")
--->>>//How do I modify the content of TEXTAREA? <<<----

examineChildElements(element, item);

element = element.nextSibling();

Thanks in advance.