
I'd like to built the final release version of my program. It's not the first time, previously I've already done it...

From the first time I built the program in release mode I copied four Qt dlls into the exe folder...infact when I run into QtCreator (even in release mode) the program it goes but when I run the executable it needs the dlls (of course)...

Now I've changed something in the code. I rebuild the project into debug mode and then into release mode. All goes ok but when I try to execute the new executable (the one in the "release" folder) it raises one error telling me that the program cannot run beacuse it cannot find the file QtCored4.dll
Moreover if I run the program in release mode int oQtCreator it doesn't draw the menubar (I added it from the code)...instead in debug mode it goes all good...

The strange is that, before this release, it needed the QtCore4.dll (without the "d" ).

How can it be that it runs properly in debug mode into QtCreator but in the release version it asks for the library? And why if I run it from QtCreator in release mode, it doesn't show me the menu bar?
