When dragging between a QListView and a QTableView the drop indicator does not change, so the QTableView::dropEvent() is never called when releasing the mouse button. But, debugging code in the QTableView::dragEnterEvent() states:I have a QStandardModel that services both a QGraphicsScene/View and the QTableView (the table view is filled via QSortFilterProxyModel class. Drops into the QGraphicsScene work fine.
- DropAction: Qt::MoveAction
- DragDropMode: QAbstractItemView:: DropOnly
- DropIndicatorShown: TRUE
- DragDropOverwriteMode: TRUE
Any ideas about what I can do to get the QTableView to show a drop indicator and allow dropEvent() to be called?
For reference, this is my table view ctor.Qt Commercial 4.6.2Qt Code:
{ setAcceptDrops( true ); setDropIndicatorShown( true ); setDragDropOverwriteMode( true ); }To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
Windows XP SP3